Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dear Grandma,
I guess when you're faced with things that seem to be unfair, you're sent your very own angels and it's those people who make you realize how very lucky you are. I mean, I am still here afterall. For me it started with a cousin. A cousin who took off work early, without question or reservation to sit with me in the ER while I waited. I waited for answers, for pain relief, and ultimately, to pee. She stayed with me all day, into the night...got me home, got me prescriptions and finished out her shift until angel #2 arrived. My mom has been my angel more than once, and this time was no different. Her irregular and tiring work schedules never keep her from getting to me when I need her. She got to my house late at night, in time to tuck me into bed to wake up and face another day of agony. This day took me back to the er and planted me in the hospital for the night. But my mom was with me through every second as she always is, even when I became crabby and frusterated, she stuck by me, I curled up in my hospital bed as she sprawled out on her "bed in a box" as the foreign nurse explained it. Angel #3 came along when mom had to go back home to work. Even though I asked him to come only because I didn't want to be alone, my dad got in his truck and hit the interstate through the construction for 4 straight hours. He got to my house just in time for me to pass that blasted stone. He never once complained about all the time he had spent on the road ... just to "be there". But it was exactly what I needed. And the celebratory supper at Texas roadhouse was just what we both needed. I pray I'm at the end of these battles...and quite frankly am not sure why I am having them at 23 - but I hope, that - tomorrow will be better. And I realize Grandma, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have any of these angels in my life to begin with - nor would I have my own. And the moments when I feel sorry for myself are blanketed with thankfulness.
I haven't heard too much about it just yet, but I did hear that Trevor came out of his surgery just fine. Hopefully whatever it is they did while they had him under will provide him with some relief in the future. He's too young for all he's been through, too. I'm guessing you sent him some angels as well, boy, you sure have been busy up there!
The weather has been very nice here. But with all that's been going on lately, I haven't had much opportunity to get outside and enjoy it. I need to make a point to get on my bike a couple times before the snow flies, sweep out the garage and have a carwashing party. I did - afterall - buy that hose and nozzel just for that, because when your pops is a mechanic, you like your car best when you wash it yourself by hand. Have I done that once all summer? No I have not. And thus my to do list grows even longer. (so kidneys, consider this a pep talk, I don't have time for your tantrums!)
Speaking of the snow. I looked ahead at my call schedule and learned this Christmas is my holiday on call. I've been lucky thus far, the most major holiday I have had call was Thanksgiving, and I was lucky to have a friend in the same siutation. But, Christmas, really? I'm already bummed about this and am silently hoping one of my roomates, or a friend happens to have call as well. Either way, I'll have the blues and should probably start preparing for this. On call pay is pretty nice when it's Christmas, but there is no amount of money that will be worth missing Christmas with family.
I had a big craving for Spaghettios today. Maybe they're in season? I know they grow on trees, but I guess Grandpa never did tell us what time of year they were best. Check with him, wouldya?

Love you,

1 comment:

  1. wow.... I love you so very much, GB. And if you hear back about the spaghetti-o's, please let me know!
