Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dear Grandma,
I know this is twice in one week, but I'm writing tonight for a special reason. Sometimes in life we let people slip away without letting them know how we feel or what they mean to us. There always seems to be more time, and when there isn't more I guess we all tend to forget that tomorrow might be the last day we have the chance to do that for some people, and it may be today. I think we're all guilty of this. I know I wrote you a letter nearly every week for the past few years, but I still feel like there are things I should have told you, times I should have called you, and hugs I should have offered...more often. I appreciate you a little more every single day you're not here. But given I have this special opportunity, I suppose it's never too late. I know you aren't here that we can see, but if I didn't think you read these letters, I would never write them in the first place. All that being said, I had a conversation with someone today who feels this same way, and I made a promise to make sure you knew how very important you were to them as well. And I know you know. You show us everyday. This person was simply family growing up. As we've grown into adults, we have become great friends, and now - this person is one of my greatest friends, one that will be there no matter what. I'm confident that the relationship I now hold so very dear is your response to the question, your blessing to us, your way of watching over us from heaven, and you telling us ... just one more time...that family. is. GOLD. Please know up there in heaven how very much we love you. We would all give most anything to have one more day with you. I would tell you about how incredible I think you are. And I would tell you that every single time I am faced with something that seems trying, I think of you. I would tell you that I utter the words "...tomorrow will be better." more times in a week than I say my own name. I write it on post its, notes, letters, anywhere I think I might need to remind myself. There is nothing I can't do or overcome and it's all because of the strength you've given me - the strength you've given all of us.

I miss you. I really, really....really miss you. We all do. I hope and pray that you're in heaven knowing how much you mean to us. And how sorry we are for not taking advantage of more opportunites to show you this more often.

Love, Kristen

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