Monday, September 21, 2009

Dear Grandpa,
I wanted to wish you happy birthday today. I am sure this is a wonderful day for Grandma, she has missed you for so many of your birthdays, what a blessing that she is finally able to spend it with you. I'm sure you're all dressed in blue (Co-Op pants and that pale blue collared shirt) and I'm sure you smell like Old Spice. Do something great today, pick all your grandkids some Spaghettios if you get a chance. Make Grandma smile. (I'm sure she's done so much smiling her cheeks are about to crack!). Dance with her, crystal chanderlier. I'm sure it's silly for me to be even telling you all this, I'm certain this is what you have been doing the last few months. But today, it's very comforting to picture you doing just this. It makes living life without you guys a bit easier.

Love you,

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