Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dear Grandma,
Can you believe the letters I used to only write to you go out to the whole family now - even more - can you believe that people care to read them? I certainly don't think of myself as a good writer - or even a writer in the first place. But the letters you once opened, probably in your rocker in Armour, I will cling to as long as I possibly can. I found a note you had wedged in a birthday card, just a simple thought and I stared at it for longer than someone should stare at three sentences. I'm so lucky to have that little momento of the handwriting I used to spend so much time trying to decode. I only wish I had the opportunity to still do that. This taught me an important lesson though. Faces, smells, even voices will probably someday fade away. But I will always have your words, written with your hands on a piece of paper. A piece of paper that holds more value to me now than all the gold in the world. Case in point: save cards, letters, save anything that may someday be the only memory of someone you can hold in your hands.

I've got reasons to believe you're working some magic on me up there...or maybe you're trying, or maybe you're just sending me some hope and a little reassurance as to why certain things happened, and why certain people need to swoop into your life for a moment....even when it ends badly, there is a lesson to be learned. And maybe those instances may lead to something that can change your life or send it in a new direction. And maybe they won't. All that said, I know you're around, and I don't know for sure what you're doing or if you had a chance to catch a peak at God's plan for me, but the result is a grandaughter with some newfound faith. Oh, but by the way, they already made a movie about a girl who is always someone's bridesmaid...and it's a good one, but I'm getting freakishly close to being the lead in that movie. And don't get me wrong, I am honored to know I am important to so many people. But, is it a concern if some Fridays I look foward to a movie and eating cheerios in my pjs in bed? Yikes.

My weekend of call was a busy one. 9 callbacks in a matter of 24 hours, 1 on Monday night and this madness doesn't end until Saturday morning at 7 am. Did i curl up with a bowl of coldstone icecream (in bed) after a long Saturday? Yes, I did. I have a habit of thinking I deserve ice cream or like a whole entire chocolate cake after a busy day of call. Dangerous? Maybe, but it sure seems like a brilliant idea at the time.

Gina is coming to Omaha this weekend. We don't have a lot planned, but hope to do all kinds of relaxing. I'm definitely looking foward to seeing her and just hanging out all weekend. Friends are priceless, afterall.

Hugs and Kisses to Heaven,
Love, Kristen

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