Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dear Grandma,

"Spring will come, the sun will shine, tomorrow will be better."...Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better...tomorrow. will. be. better. These words ran through my head more than once as I tried to survive my call week although it seemed as though it was never going to end. 18 callbacks later, the sun is shining and the day is better. Honestly Grandma, the sun really is shining! It was a very trying week, an even more diffucult weekend and I'm surprised I still have a boyfriend after all the angry call-in phone calls and the post call apologetic phone calls. The week is going good so far, but I am already counting the hours until Casey and I leave for South Dakota. I haven't been home since the week I went to recover from surgery and I have to get out of this place. It couldn't come at a more perfect time, I just wish Friday morning would hurry up and get here!

I'm still going stong with this marathon training but would be completely incapable of doing it without a great partner. By the end of this week we will have run 142 miles so far....something I never, ever thought I could do. It's amazing how your body just kind of takes over and does the work for you, and sometimes, it's amazing how 3 miles can seem like torture. But I still have my eye on the prize and somedays have to picture myself crossing the finish just to keep my legs moving. I'm excited but I'm also dreading it all in the same. I can do it, I know I can, but I'm going to need your help.

Casey and I got tickets to fly to Florida in May. His oldest sister lives in Jacksonville with her huspand and two kids, so I'm looking forward to meeting all of them. It sounds like they're going to meet us in Orlando so we can spend the first day with the kids at Disney. I've never been to Florida, so obviously I'm looking forward to that, too! Minnie Mouse was my favorite lady of all time when I was little, and I'm sure my mom still has the ruffled bed sheets to prove it, so it's only right that I meet her one of these days.

Blair has been having quite the struggle down here with Baby Bristol. She was sick all last week and was finally admitted to Children's hospital on Thursday for RSV. I've never seen a little baby so sick and can't stand the look she gvies you, begging you to take it all away. She seems to be getting a little better but won't be going home until she can keep down a bottle and be without oxygen for 24 hours - she has been unsuccessful on both accounts. Blair has a lot on her plate right now, and although I try, I don't feel like I'm doing everything I could be to help make it a little easier. So, if you get a minute up there, would you send some love her way?

It's suppose to be in the 50's this week. I think we're getting close to the springtime you've been promising. We're also getting very close to the day you've been up in heaven for a year. This place will never be the same without you.

I love you,

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