Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear Grandma,

A year ago today I drove 500 miles for a visit that I didn't know at the time was just to say goodbye. Had I known then what I know now I probably would have opted to miss work on Monday and just stayed. I suppose it wouldn't have made a difference and maybe it was better that I came and said goodbye and left but there's always a wonder. It doesn't seem like it's been a year already, but it does seem like it's been too long since I've seen you.

I've been exhausted lately. I really do enjoy this marathon training and feel great that I have been able to do it - it gives me a sense of accomplishment. It definitely takes some serious time management and drains all of my energy. We're looking at about a month and a half until race day and our runs are starting to show that. Most of our "short runs" aren't under 6 miles and they seem like such a breeze. We ran 16 miles this past Wednesday - can you believe that?

Casey closes on his house this week so keep him in prayers up there - I can see now why buying a house is so stressful. I didn't realize all the little things that can come up ..he's hanging in there but is definitely ready to just move in and start making it his own home. His parents come this weekend and this will be my first time meeting them - wish me luck - this is the true test. When I asked him what we'd do while they're here he said "Well, mom will want to shop and dad will want to look at things for his motorcycle." ...Ironic?

The older you get the harder Daylight Savings Time gets. It's amazing what one hour will do. I am, however, excited to have more time in the evening but I sure was confused when I was driving to work this morning in the dark...I kept thinking "I'm sure it's been light in the morning the last couple weeks..."

Spring is coming, you were right, and we've officially gotten through a year of "firsts" without you. Pardon my language, but it has totally sucked. We miss you.

Love you,


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