Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Grandma,

I can't believe it's been so long since I've writting, time has just kind of been flying because I've been so busy. Sometimes it's good to be busy, but you find yourself looking back wondering where the day, week - and then all of a sudden - month, has gone. I'm anxious to get through April, through the marathon, and hop on the airplane to go to Florida! I can't wait for a few days out of Nebraska and in the sun!

Lots has happened in the last couple weeks. Casey closed and moved into his house, a task that has relieved a lot of stress and anxiety. Things are coming together, but slowly. I try to help in anyway I can and so far have been a pretty good laundry and cleaning lady. He's been out of town for work a lot, so I figure whatever I can to to help him so he can get more accomplished when he is home is an easy favor. He always lets me know that he appreciates it, and that's all it takes to make it worthwhile.

The weekend Casey closed on his house his parents also came to Omaha...this was my first time meeting them, so of course, I was a little nervous and anxious. The feeling didn't last long though because as soon as they got here they made me feel like family and I didn't even have to remind myself to just "be myself" was easy. They are a lot like my parents, so it kind of just felt like home. A couple of random facts: they like to ride motorcycle AND have a family of Bichons (Casey's parents and both his siters have them) what are the odds!?

I heard there was a nice article in the paper about you. It's too bad I didn't know about it sooner, I would have certainly tried to get a copy of my own. I suppose it's just another downfall of living 250 miles away. That being said, it's hard to believe it's been over a year, but spring is coming just like you promised and I'm starting to see all the great things that God provides for us.

This weekend is Easter and it's hard to believe we won't be hiding Easter eggs in Armour and sifting through the candy dishes in your kitchen. Maybe I'll try to fester up my own "canned" banana bread but I doubt it will even compare.

I love you,

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