Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dear Grandma,

I guess it's been a frusterating couple weeks and I kind of have the blues. Maybe it's just because I've overwhelmed with the marathon knowing I have so much going on in the next couple months - most of which I should be excited about. Either way I am trying to keep my head on straight and keep my eye on the prize - the finish on the 50 yard line in the Husker stadium.

The summer is quickly approaching and filling up even faster. Florida, Hannah's second birthday, weddings and all the in-betweens. By the time I put everything on the schedule and fill in the cracks with call, there isn't much time to plan all the things we "just have to do this summer." No wonder some of those things never happen. I have a closet full of clothes that will probably get worn once if I'm lucky because anytime I'm not wearing scrubs I prefer my cozies.

Easter was really weird without you this year. I think it's the first time I haven't been home for Easter let alone getting eggs out of the gutter, the tree, ....that mailbox at your front door...the trees in the backyard. I can only imagine your Easter was all you had ever hoped for...and more.

I scanned a patient today that reminded me a lot of Grandpa, although I don't know what it was. Most of it was probably the way he visited with his friend and the way he talked to me. It was a comfort and I wanted to take better care of him than any other patient in that hospital. The 20 minutes I was with him changed my perception of the day completely.

I hope all is well with you, thank you so much for the nice weather - if anything it has made these runs much more tolerable (although I could do without the drizzly and/or windy days). Thanks for getting me through the last couple miles when we ran last Thursday. I didn't understand at the time why you weren't making it easier, but I finished, so you obviously did just what I asked you to. Thank you.

I love you,

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