Friday, January 29, 2010

Dear Grandma,

Well, so far 2010 is proving to be better than 2009. Maybe it's all in the attitude I have and the deterimation to have a better year, maybe it's the fact that I have you up in heaven helping me along the way - whatever it is, whoever is in charge of the change, I'm thankful for it.

I continue to keep busy here in Omaha, sometimes so much that I feel like I look back and a whole month has passed. .. other times I feel like weeks drag on and on. I added even more to my agenda this week as I finally registered and am officially "in training" for the Lincoln marathon in May. I'm excited all while being anxious for it to be over. I know it will be tough and I know it will be trying, but am hoping to have the support there to help see me through 26.2 miles. I'm lucky to have a great friend to train with who has done it before and is just as motivated to get through it with me.

I know it's not even February but I am so entirely sick of cold and snow I can barely stand it. I wake up a lot of morning and wonder why I live in Nebraska and I remember it's because of the people I want to be close to. The driving conditions here never do get unbearable, but these Nebraskans shut completely down and freak out with any weather "condition" in general. Defensive driving is not only a skill - it's like a part time job. Road rage takes on a whole new meaning when snow, rain....wind....anything outside of 75 degrees and sunny presents itself.

I'm looking forward to an evening with wine and some girlfriends, and it is much needed. All four of us work together and the only thing that has gotten us through the week are our plans for tonight. Any frusterations we don't work out tonight should be elminated after Jamey and I complete our ten mile run tomorrow morning.

I should tell you that the letters I write to you - and my reasons as to why - have motivated Casey to call his Grandma every week. It means a lot to me that I've made some kind of impact on him and have helped him realze the importance of such relationships and knowing not to take them for granted. I hope that means a lot to you too, afterall, you're the reason I am so thankful for such things in the first place.

Hope all is well up there, I look for you everyday and somedays, I know I find you.

Love you,

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