Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Grandma,

This week I had never been so happy for a Monday morning in my life. I had a call weekend from hell and considered torching something multiple times. I spent a lot of angry time in my car, driving to and from the hospital and I regret to inform you that I am not deserving of banana bread this week.

We're celebrating the weather in Omaha because we're reaching record highs of 30 and 40 degrees. Not that I have a chance to enjoy it beings it's dark when I come to work and dark again when I leave, but I'm happy the walk from the parking lot doesn't take my breath away. I do fear about what all this snow is going to do if it gets too warm and I'm wondering where I can find a canoe to get to and from work.

I'm dealing with the same frusterations I always have but am certainly happier these days. I have a lot to be thankful for and don't want to waste any time complaining about the things that make me feel any differently. Life is too short and relationships with people too important. I've seen too many relationships fall to pieces over silly and uneccessary piddly arguments that mean absolutely nothing. Those kinds of things make me sick and I vowed one day that I will never let it happen to me and the people that are important to me - and I never will. I wish this was something obvious to everyone.

I definitely long to go home to South Dakota. I appreciated the time I had there over Christmas but it was stuck behind a sick fog, memories I don't even have because between the pain and the medicine, I don't remember much other than wanting to pass out after a trip across the room. I plan to go back in March and hope to go back sooner if possible. I miss my parents, I miss my brother and his wife, and I miss replica of the two...and her curly brown mop. I'll get there soon enough, and I'll make up for the time I missed.

I hope this finds you celebrating something. And I certainly hope it finds you smiling. Send your love to a specific broken family and offer comfort until there are more answers. You can do much more than I can, but I'm certainly trying to do my best.

I love you,

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