Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dear Grandma,
Where on earth has the summer gone? Oh, that's right, it was swallowed up by drama. Well. In that case, I am happy to put it behind me and look foward to fall, winters filled wth evenings of grunty, snow shoveling, and then finally, spring will come and it will be better. It's already better, thank God. A little patience and many days reminding yourself to stick to what you believe in and things turn out for the better.
I've been taking advantage of the nice weather we have been having, it's been perfect for running outside, which means it's soon to be gone. It's even worth the panic driven seizures I have when I see a bee, a wasp, anything that has wings and the potential of having a stinger. They do make me run faster, so, I suppose they do my workout a favor. I probably don't even have to ask you about the weather you've been having, I'm sure it's beautiful there!
Little Miss Hannah is finally walking. Those parents of hers sure are going to be in trouble now! They're all headed back to South Dakota this weekend for a wedding, so we'll see how that little mover likes sitting in a car seat for nine hours now. I wish I could go back and spend a little time with them, but I was in South Dakota last weekend and I'm on call this weekend. I'm looking foward to having a little extra dough, but am sure by Sunday I'll be ready to throw that little devil box (my pager) in the Missouri River. Lucky for me I'm on call that WHOLE week to follow as well. I wonder just how many times I'll have to stop in at Dairy Queen to make it through that!
I know this is probably going to sound funny, but the other day I scanned a man who smelled like your house. I was immediately taken aback and flooded with memories of you. For a minute, the reason this man was in front of me didn't matter and kind of disappeared completely. It wasn't long before I came back to Earth and almost smiled, because even though it was very bittersweet, It's nice to have good memories like that come completely out of nowhere sometimes. That being said, I'm not sure why you were around that day, but thanks for stopping in. I miss you.
I sure could use some banana bread..and kuchen! I'm sure you visit with her often, but next time you see Grandma Weisser up there, could you run that by her? You guys could have a little baking date. She'd love it. But go hungry, cuz she'll make you eat like a football quarterback and she won't take no for an answer.

Love you,

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