Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dear Grandma,

It's been awhile since I've written secondary to yet another issue you woudn't think someone of my age would have. By 23 I'm almost certain I'm setting some kind of record for most random and unlikely medical issues. Shingles in college, a peroneal palsy in my leg causing me to walk like a clydesdale for months (still of unknown causes) and now kidney stones!? I can't complain too much, I've been very lucky in all of these situations, I always come out on top, tomorrow is always better. This ordeal landed me in the hospital, tho, which was a first for me. Those little devils really do hurt as bad as they say they do. And it sure does tork a sister off when they come out and they're little bitty grains of rice (IF that) and not a jagged brick as the pain would lead one to assume. I learned that although morphine does nothing for my pain, it does land me on a different planet - where although pain is very much present, it suddenly doesn't matter so much. It also makes me slur like a drunk sailor. My short little stay in a hospital - where all the nurses knew me by name (and they should - one of them was my mom!) made me appreciate what it's like to be a patient. I was thankful to get home and lucky to be able to be at my parents' house where I didn't have to worry about things - the meals were a big plus, too!

Although the Omaha drama hasn't completely disappeared, it has finally started to dwindle. I can't lose anymore sleep over this situation and a person who doesn't care about other people. I could continue the fight, and I could win - but I think it's probably better to just let it go. I hate to say it, but the lesson will be learned on her end eventually and I think that's sometimes what it has to take. Karma, right?

On that note, i came home to new roomates and new decorations! It's been going great so far, especially the part where I wrote out a rent check that is now being split three ways as opposed to two. We all have one very important thing in common: bedtime between 9 and 10 pm. Lets face it; 23 or 63, after a ten hour day of huffing an ultrasound machine all over a medical center (or doing anything else for a span of ten hours for that matter), people get tired. So what if I have the bedtime of a 4 year old? I tuck myself in with a snackie, watch an episode of "Friends" and I'm snoozing before the news is on. Let's review: I've survived something they claim hurts worse than childbirth and I've got the sleep schedule of my parents pretty well figured out - as dad likes to call it "the pre-sleep". Am I a little ahead of the game here?

I hope you were with Trev and all his testing. That kid has had some serious issues with those headaches, help those doctors figure something out for him!

I'll be better about writing. Thanks for the nice weather we've been having, but if you could suck some of the humidity out, that would be super, too =)

Love you,

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