Monday, July 6, 2009

Dear Grandma,

I guess I learn more about people and what it means to be a friend every single day. I've learned that some friends were never your friend at all, and sometimes, it makes me mad for ever trying to be their's in the first place. But that's not true, it's not me. Two friends were involved in the situation I told you about the other night. One of those friends I have immense amounts of respect for and am thankful to call them a friend - lucky really. The other, like I said, did not hold the same respect for me as I did for them. I don't regret losing one because I was looking out for the other, maybe just the way it came about. I've definitely put in a lot of prayers about a lot of things having to do with this "friendship" and I think instead of lose sleep and wonder why, I need to realize I've gotten my answer. So thank you to everyone up there who helped me see.

I had a great weekend with family. A brother, a sister, and a mini duplicate of the two. Hannah loved the zoo, as I thought she would. The adults loved it, too...regardless of what anyone (Jason) might say. I couldn't tell you how many times I heard "what a zoo!" come out of his mouth, or "I'm so happy I came all the way to Omaha to go to super target." Whatever... we all had a good time at the zoo, even him! And lets face it, Target doesn't ever let ya down, definitely not Tonya, who was especially excited about the new cart design. =) I'm happy they came this weekend - they may have not known it - but it was a weekend when I needed them most. I'm lucky to have them and refuse to ever let anyone change the relationship we all have.

I've got a big week coming, Grandma. My boyfriend, Keith Urban, is coming back to Omaha this weekend and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. I only hope that I don't find myself on the news, the paper or some tabloid for extreme stalking or anything like that =) Mom is coming to Omaha to go with me, she likes him too, just not quite to the stalker status that I do. She wasn't planning on, but plans changed and I was again reminded of how awesome it is to have a best friend in your mom and family that will literally drop anything to be right where you need them to be. She's a great mom, but she's so much more. She's fixed all my owies - both figuratively and literally...from a broken heart (ok, there have been more than one of those) to leaving me scar free from what some might call a pretty tragic shaving injury =) I'm looking foward to spending some time with her.

On top of everything I'm on call - and only get breaks for the concert and the wedding I have on Saturday. One of my co-workers is getting married, she is also originally from South Dakota and I have warned her numerous times about just how excited I am to celebrate her wedding - in true South Dakota nature. I hope Nebraska is ready for some South Dakota at a wedding dance. I should warn them that after a couple beers and a little music I start to think I'm Beyonce...unfortunately for me - and them!- I'm just a white girl with the jiggles.

The wedding is Saturday - the same day we say goodbye to all the little reminders we have of you. I've looked at the sale bill numerous times as my parents have asked me to do to see if there is anything I'd like - but I can't seem to find anywhere, "Grandma" "friend" "penpal" I'll pass. Everyone is being very strong, dad espcially. I know this is a trait I get from him. I also know that the sense of humor we all know Grandpa so well for lies now, in my dad. I can't tell you how many times that has gotten me through the day, a tough situation, or just a crabby mood. I'm sorry I can't be there that day, but promise me you will be. There are a few people who need you there, and you know who they are. Please stick around....and hang around to watch your daughters drink wine and dance's hilarious. =)

Did you see all the fireworks on Saturday? It made me think of watching them in your backyard. We had a good time watching them over the trees of Omaha from my front steps, but it wasn't the same. Nothing will ever be quite the same.

Love you,

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