Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dear Grandma,
As I was driving to work today I heard a song that they played numerous times at the cancer walk a few weeks ago - and I guess I didn't even realize it until I heard it today. I teared up behind my sunglasses and started to think of all the reasons I missed you -they're countless, they really are. I was at your house a few weeks ago but it's nothing like it used to be. We were boxing up memories and to truth it, those things don't bother me much. The thing that I wanted to find the most in that house wasn't there. But it was good to spend time with family. Dad and I came over on the motorcycle, a past time I miss now being in Omaha. Mary, Linda and Barb were all there - it was great to see them, but this is very hard for them- it's obvious - and I don't blame them one bit...this was all very quick, Grandma...I just don't think anyone has had time to let it sink it. When the work had come to an end, I got out a cd I had burned for all the girls - songs they came up with at your house over a bottle of wine and spirits seemed to rise a bit. It was nice to see them smile and I'm happy I could help bring back some memories for them. Barb danced around the driveway like a goofball, Mary tried desperately to reel her back in. I laughed until my belly hurt, you would have liked it.
This past weekend I met my parents, the Renshaws and those Illinios Papes in Des Moine to camp. It was so humid that showers seemed like a waste of time and a neccessity all in the same. It was a well needed, very relaxing weekend that I think everyone needed. Jason and Tonya taught us a new card game, and even though we're all pretty sure they're big stinkin' cheaters, it was a blast and one I think (and hope) will stick around. I hate to say it, but had you been there, I don't think any of us would have gotten any banana bread. =) But many laughs were shared and we talked of you often, too. I stayed in the Renshaw camper because as usual I came solo. There were MANY reminders of you in there. Bittersweet.
Jason, Tonya and Hannah are coming to Omaha this weekend to finally get to that big zoo. I can't wait. You should see Miss Hannah, she's quite the character. She's probably one of the happiest one year olds I have ever seen which makes everyone around her happy, too. She's going to love the zoo, I think. I just hope it's not hot that day, cuz she sweats like her daddy. =) Now that her hair is shorter, she's got curls like him, too.
I hope you're all having a great time up there together and I hope it's all you've ever dreamed of - in fact, I'm sure it's more. We miss you, so stop down as often as you can. I would do anything for a tube of banana bread, but mostly - for the baker.

Love you,

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