Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dear Grandma,
Can you believe the letters I used to only write to you go out to the whole family now - even more - can you believe that people care to read them? I certainly don't think of myself as a good writer - or even a writer in the first place. But the letters you once opened, probably in your rocker in Armour, I will cling to as long as I possibly can. I found a note you had wedged in a birthday card, just a simple thought and I stared at it for longer than someone should stare at three sentences. I'm so lucky to have that little momento of the handwriting I used to spend so much time trying to decode. I only wish I had the opportunity to still do that. This taught me an important lesson though. Faces, smells, even voices will probably someday fade away. But I will always have your words, written with your hands on a piece of paper. A piece of paper that holds more value to me now than all the gold in the world. Case in point: save cards, letters, save anything that may someday be the only memory of someone you can hold in your hands.

I've got reasons to believe you're working some magic on me up there...or maybe you're trying, or maybe you're just sending me some hope and a little reassurance as to why certain things happened, and why certain people need to swoop into your life for a moment....even when it ends badly, there is a lesson to be learned. And maybe those instances may lead to something that can change your life or send it in a new direction. And maybe they won't. All that said, I know you're around, and I don't know for sure what you're doing or if you had a chance to catch a peak at God's plan for me, but the result is a grandaughter with some newfound faith. Oh, but by the way, they already made a movie about a girl who is always someone's bridesmaid...and it's a good one, but I'm getting freakishly close to being the lead in that movie. And don't get me wrong, I am honored to know I am important to so many people. But, is it a concern if some Fridays I look foward to a movie and eating cheerios in my pjs in bed? Yikes.

My weekend of call was a busy one. 9 callbacks in a matter of 24 hours, 1 on Monday night and this madness doesn't end until Saturday morning at 7 am. Did i curl up with a bowl of coldstone icecream (in bed) after a long Saturday? Yes, I did. I have a habit of thinking I deserve ice cream or like a whole entire chocolate cake after a busy day of call. Dangerous? Maybe, but it sure seems like a brilliant idea at the time.

Gina is coming to Omaha this weekend. We don't have a lot planned, but hope to do all kinds of relaxing. I'm definitely looking foward to seeing her and just hanging out all weekend. Friends are priceless, afterall.

Hugs and Kisses to Heaven,
Love, Kristen

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dear Grandma,
Where on earth has the summer gone? Oh, that's right, it was swallowed up by drama. Well. In that case, I am happy to put it behind me and look foward to fall, winters filled wth evenings of grunty, snow shoveling, and then finally, spring will come and it will be better. It's already better, thank God. A little patience and many days reminding yourself to stick to what you believe in and things turn out for the better.
I've been taking advantage of the nice weather we have been having, it's been perfect for running outside, which means it's soon to be gone. It's even worth the panic driven seizures I have when I see a bee, a wasp, anything that has wings and the potential of having a stinger. They do make me run faster, so, I suppose they do my workout a favor. I probably don't even have to ask you about the weather you've been having, I'm sure it's beautiful there!
Little Miss Hannah is finally walking. Those parents of hers sure are going to be in trouble now! They're all headed back to South Dakota this weekend for a wedding, so we'll see how that little mover likes sitting in a car seat for nine hours now. I wish I could go back and spend a little time with them, but I was in South Dakota last weekend and I'm on call this weekend. I'm looking foward to having a little extra dough, but am sure by Sunday I'll be ready to throw that little devil box (my pager) in the Missouri River. Lucky for me I'm on call that WHOLE week to follow as well. I wonder just how many times I'll have to stop in at Dairy Queen to make it through that!
I know this is probably going to sound funny, but the other day I scanned a man who smelled like your house. I was immediately taken aback and flooded with memories of you. For a minute, the reason this man was in front of me didn't matter and kind of disappeared completely. It wasn't long before I came back to Earth and almost smiled, because even though it was very bittersweet, It's nice to have good memories like that come completely out of nowhere sometimes. That being said, I'm not sure why you were around that day, but thanks for stopping in. I miss you.
I sure could use some banana bread..and kuchen! I'm sure you visit with her often, but next time you see Grandma Weisser up there, could you run that by her? You guys could have a little baking date. She'd love it. But go hungry, cuz she'll make you eat like a football quarterback and she won't take no for an answer.

Love you,

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear Grandma,
You know, for whatever reason, I've thought a lot about this past year. I can tell you it's been the worst year of my life thus far. Even the heartache I felt when I watched a high school relationship crumble when I thought it'd last forever doesn't hold a candle to this year. But I'm as thankful for the lessons I've learned from this year as I am from those I learned back then. The biggest difference is that these lessons have taught me things about myself, monumental things that have made me realize who I am. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and as frusterating as it can be, I'm so very thankful for it. This time, a lot of things I already knew about myself were tested and proven more right than ever. Family is important. More important than anything else I have. I would literally give up everything I have ever gotten, earned, achieved- for family. My SUV certainly won't be there for me when everthing else crumbles, right? And I could certainly survive if someone came and cleaned out my whole entire house, but would be nothing without family. And after a bumpy ride back from the Sturgis trip made every year, I am ever thankful for blessings that sometime go uncounted. There is also nothing I will ever let come between my brother and I. He's my brother and he's the only one I've got - and he's pretty good at it, too. That's not a relanship you can replace, not a position you can fill with someone you meet at work or out on the town. There's no way I would ever let anything, stupid or substantial, come between that. Plus, every girl needs a bodyguard, and he's pretty good at that, too. I've settled on the fact that you've gotta be a good friend - the best friend you know how to be - even though you're always at a risk to get trampled by bad people who don't hold you in the same respect. The past is the past, and I'm still me. And I feel more sure of myself than ever. See your name in the credits, along with a lot of the other people who are reading this letter. I certainly didn't learn it on my own. So I hang on to the people who are good, and I hope they do the same to me.
With that, there are so prayers that I need to send out. Prayers to a broken leg in Sioux Falls. A broken leg that may be one of the biggest blessings yet, for broken legs can be fixed and this broken leg very well could have saved something very precious to me. Prayers to some broken hearts in New Jersey. Broken hearts that may also be blessings, I don't believe these hearts are broken without a plan for something greater and answers to why it happened. Nontheless, it takes time to get to that point...so my prayer is to get them there. And still, prayers to broken hearts across the board...broken hearts for you. I miss you. I miss you so much, and I know I'm not the only one. I sure hope these letters get to you, Grandma. I know you still respond, and I am finally starting to see your response in my life...it's just not the same as the letters that sometimes took me days to read. The handwriting still isn't always clear, it still takes me time to get the response, I just recieve it in a much different way now.

Love you,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dear Grandma,

It's been awhile since I've written secondary to yet another issue you woudn't think someone of my age would have. By 23 I'm almost certain I'm setting some kind of record for most random and unlikely medical issues. Shingles in college, a peroneal palsy in my leg causing me to walk like a clydesdale for months (still of unknown causes) and now kidney stones!? I can't complain too much, I've been very lucky in all of these situations, I always come out on top, tomorrow is always better. This ordeal landed me in the hospital, tho, which was a first for me. Those little devils really do hurt as bad as they say they do. And it sure does tork a sister off when they come out and they're little bitty grains of rice (IF that) and not a jagged brick as the pain would lead one to assume. I learned that although morphine does nothing for my pain, it does land me on a different planet - where although pain is very much present, it suddenly doesn't matter so much. It also makes me slur like a drunk sailor. My short little stay in a hospital - where all the nurses knew me by name (and they should - one of them was my mom!) made me appreciate what it's like to be a patient. I was thankful to get home and lucky to be able to be at my parents' house where I didn't have to worry about things - the meals were a big plus, too!

Although the Omaha drama hasn't completely disappeared, it has finally started to dwindle. I can't lose anymore sleep over this situation and a person who doesn't care about other people. I could continue the fight, and I could win - but I think it's probably better to just let it go. I hate to say it, but the lesson will be learned on her end eventually and I think that's sometimes what it has to take. Karma, right?

On that note, i came home to new roomates and new decorations! It's been going great so far, especially the part where I wrote out a rent check that is now being split three ways as opposed to two. We all have one very important thing in common: bedtime between 9 and 10 pm. Lets face it; 23 or 63, after a ten hour day of huffing an ultrasound machine all over a medical center (or doing anything else for a span of ten hours for that matter), people get tired. So what if I have the bedtime of a 4 year old? I tuck myself in with a snackie, watch an episode of "Friends" and I'm snoozing before the news is on. Let's review: I've survived something they claim hurts worse than childbirth and I've got the sleep schedule of my parents pretty well figured out - as dad likes to call it "the pre-sleep". Am I a little ahead of the game here?

I hope you were with Trev and all his testing. That kid has had some serious issues with those headaches, help those doctors figure something out for him!

I'll be better about writing. Thanks for the nice weather we've been having, but if you could suck some of the humidity out, that would be super, too =)

Love you,