Monday, October 19, 2009

Dear Grandma,
Well, I think it is safe to say that it's officially fall, although somedays it has felt more like winter. The weekend's weather was much more desirable than the days that preceeded it, I, however was entirely too devoted to my sweatpants and couch to spend much time enjoying it. It had been a very long week and this is what I had decided to do with my weekend, who am I to go against my word? The most of this weather I had the chance to enjoy was during my trip to Target and other piddly errands I had to run. I can't even say that I regret missing out on it much. Sometimes, there is a lot to be said about relaxing at home with nothing to worry about but the buzzer on the dryer. I did leave the house Saturday night to watch some movies with a friend - in sweatpants, of course. But here we are at Monday again, and already I find myself wishing the week away. I have a lot to do this week, though. Aside from being on call, I have a lot of things to do around the house. I'm sure you remember my friend Allison from Yankton - she sang at my confirmation, has a voice you could never forget. It's been 5 years since I've seen her, I swear, and finally we have worked out a weekend that works for both of us for her to visit Omaha. I'm looking forward to it so much. She's just one of those friends that you need to see sometimes. I need to see her, and from the way it sounds, she needs to see me, too.

So, I think I'm going to start running half marathons...with the goal to someday run a marathon. It's a little far off, but some friends and I are planning to run a half down the Las Vegas strip in February of 2011. This gives us time to plan the trip, and hopefully get in decent shape to finish the race. There are all kinds of races in the Omaha/Lincoln area between now and hopefully this will helo. I have no problem running this far on my own, but the thought of having to do it on someone else's watch - well, it's always made me nervous. But, I figure, running has always been a mind game for me, I think it is for everyone, really. So if I put my mind to it, I can do it, right? I see a multitude of ice baths in my future. And the only way I'm agreesing to this is if we go out some place fabulous to eat afterward. They'd cancel each other out right? My mom always says if you eat a snickers and drink a diet pepsi it's like you never ate the snickers at all. So I think my theory is completely legit.

I had a dream about you a couple nights ago. It was one of those really strange dreams where you wake up thinking it was life and not a dream at all. I could see, hear, ...smell you, so very clearly. The weird thing is we were talking about heaven and what you thought of it. You weren't alive and we both knew that, but you were talking to me about things I would ask you if I had the chance. I wonder, maybe we really did talk in my dreams? I hope so. And even if we didn't, I'd rather go on believing we did, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I hope you stop in again.

I love you,

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