Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear Grandma,
It's been a busy couple weeks in Omaha. It's only Tuesday and already I am looking forward to the weekend. I could use a Saturday of movies and coffee. The weather we have been having makes it even harder to peel off the covers and crawl out of bed in the morning. It just seems so cruel! The first round of snow never puts me in an especially jolly mood, and having the first snow the second weekend in October is a bit of a sick joke. The weather men say it is suppose to be much warmer next week and I hope they're right.

My old roomates Jessica and Justin were married this weekend and it was probably the most fun I've had in awhile. It was 20 degrees for much of the day and that was certainly unfortunate to say the least, but it was a blast anyway. When you're surrounded with so many fun, wonderful people, it's almost impossible to let something as silly as cold bring that down. The hair on my legs may have started to grow the second I walked outside, and I may have to carry tissues with me everywhere I go this week, but it was all worth it. As always, you weren't forgotten either. I requested the song "Crystal Chandelier" to dance with dad, and even though I pretty much hung on his shoulder and bawled like a four year old, we made it through. I knew it would be sad, I was sure I would cry, but it was certainly worth it anyway.

Hannah was home with Jason and Tonya and sure has developed quite the personality. She's usually giggles or fits, and there isn't much in between, but happy or not, she's so much fun. She still doesn't say much, but has started using sign language. She's already smarter than me and she doesn't even talk. It's pretty interesting when your 18 month old niece speaks in a language you don't understand and you have to ask your parents to translate. When she is old enough to write me letters, I fear she'll write them in brail...then what will I do?

My friend Blair is six weeks away from being a mama for the second time. With daddy Phil working 5 weeks on/ 5 weeks off in Saudi Arabia as a driller, I know I have to be on my game. If he's not here when Baby Bristol decides to make her debut, Aunt Kristen takes his place. She's been my best friend in Omaha since I moved here, and I've been as much of a substitute parent as I know how, I just hope I can follow through this time as well. And I'll have to, it's why God gives you friends. Help me be what she needs me to be.

The holidays are around the corner, and I don't think for a second they aren't going to be difficult. I've never gone a holiday without seeing you one way or another and have planned vacations from work accordingly. I wonder how holidays in the future will unfold, but I suppose we'll see. It's amazing how some of my friends have to manage all their holiday time between grandparents and great grandparents, and I don't even have one. Seems a little unfair, really. But I try to appreciate what I do have, because even without any grandparents I still have so much to be thankful for, and more than some. But it's still unfair.

I Love You,

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