Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dear Grandma,
I thought I would make good use of my time at work, now that we staff on the weekends. No matter how unneccessary it is, if it will save Alegent a penny, it's worth it to them to take up our time with families even more than the pager did. Am I happy to have a job? Yes. Am I bitter that I work for a faith based hospital that cares about nothing but money? Absolutely.

For the most part, it has been a good weekend. Friday night Casey and I bit hard on the fact that we have become boring adults when we found ourselves on the couch watching back to back episodes of House Hunters on HGTV. I'm not even ashamed to say that most nights I would rather come home and jump in sweats than go out somewhere. We did go out for supper though - and by "go out" I mean went through the drive through, and by "supper" I mean...Taco Bell. But whatever, we were both home and together, so it was just perfect. Saturday we tried to get some things done in the morning as we knew Casey would be called to the tracks. Around 4 we headed to Bekka and Brian's to see Baby Henry and say hello to The Renshaws and Sarah who had driven down for the day. It was a nice mellow afternoon followed by a meal (compliments of Chef Brian) so delicious I should have worn sweatpants.

I had a hard time sleeping last night, so 630 came far too early. Hopefully I'll get a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather once I'm off work, there's no saying the snow won't fall next week! Oh well...let's get to it, the closer we are to getting through another season, the closer we are to October 2011. =)

Love you,

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