Friday, December 4, 2009

Dear Grandma,
Judging by the multitude of Christmas music on the radio and the fact that I finally got out my winter coat this morning, I would say it's safe to say the holiday season is here. We've skidded through Thangsgiving without any snow and pretty decent temperatures, so it's hard to believe Christmas is only a few weeks away. My christmas won't come until December 30th this year as I am on call through the actual holiday. I feel like I haven;t been back to South dakota in so long and I'm missing it especially right now - so I hope time does fly. I'm hoping that pushing our family Christmas back a week won't ruin it for everyone, I hope it still seems like Christmas. I was invited by a friend to her house on Christmas and I'll probably take her up on it granted I'm not at the hospital all day. Even if I am, I suppose it's ok. If I have to babysit my pager over Christmas 250 miles away from family, I would prefer to be busy and get the best out of the situation. And by that, I mean, a big fat check.

Although it only lasted for about an hour, we had our first glimpse of snow last night while I was running. It was those big fluffy flakes that basically splatter when they hit your face and melt as soon as they hit the ground - the pretty kind, and the kind that does not require to be shoveled from my driveway or scraped from my windshield - my favorite kind. Abby and I went to Target when I got home to get some more Christmas decorations for the duplex. I'm hoping to have some free time in between calls this weekend to get it all up. Mom is bringing the star Grandpa made me next weekend when her and dad come to Omaha. Now that I know I'll probably be in Omaha for awhile I feel like I can finally bring it here. It's my very favorite Christmas decoration and I will always remember the year he made it for me.

I spent some time over with my friend Blair this week and her sweet brand new little baby. I'm happy she'll be in town a couple nights a week because I certainly miss her being at work. I snuggled Baby Bristol for a couple hours, I forget how tiny babies are when they're first born. It's fun to watch Willow be a big sister..I can't wait until I can see Miss Hannah be a big sister. She's so sweet, I know she'll be great at it.

Please watch over all of us with all the traveling we're going to be doing over the next month or so. I guess I don't have numerous stops to make anymore, I suppose Christmas will take on entirely new traditions now and that's probably okay. We made your dipped ritz over Thanksgiving and mom promised to keep them until Christmas, I can't wait to fill my belly with them.

I'm trying to remind myself the things I'm thankful for (I truly do have so many), 'tis the season, afterall.

Love you,

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