Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dear Grandma,
I'm sorry it's been a couple weeks since you have heard from me. I can't believe how quickly a schedule can fill up, but I suppose it's nice to have things to do and people to do them with. But it does leave you feeling like you can never catch up, and why I have any reason to even complain I don't know...I don't have anyone to worry about except myself and yet I find myself running crazy sometimes.

The weather has been pretty tolerable this week although the fact that it's dark so early now keeps me from appreciating it as much as I should. We're suppose to have beautiful days this weekend which should be perfect for my trip to Illinios. I'm so looking foward to this...we don't have much planned outside of some quality time and some Christmas shopping, but sometimes the best plans are one that aren't plans at all. I hate to constantly wish my life away, but I am certainly counting down the days this week. It's not very often that Tonya and I get time to just the two of us, but I'm lucky to have her and thankful she's close enough that I can do this. I'm excited to see Jason too, but for the sake of maintaining the assumption that we're siblings and could care less I'll pretend it's just part of the deal. I've got a good brother, even if he is currently in a shaving boycott and looks borderline homeless. =) Just Kidding. I'm excited to see how much Miss Hannah has grown and hope she is in good spirits after her weekend of ear infections and broken bones =( I'll tell ya, a picture of a one year old smiling behind her bink despite her fresh cast makes you realize things are only as bad as you make them. What a sweet little honey.

I still work in a hospital which seems to be full of hypocrits that seem to care about nothing but money despite the "mission", but I suppose it doesn't make me love what I do any less - just makes me consider going to happy hour 93% of the time (even though I never actually follow through). It'll get better, It'll get better, It'll get better.....tomorrow WILL be better. Unfortunately, tomorrow for Alegent Health seems to take 12 months and counting. So in the meantime I stand for what I believe and drink a WHOLE lotta coffee.

This past weekend I finally got to see Allison and realized how much I miss talking to her. It's amazing how you let great people in your life fade away without realizing it because you get "too busy". Luckily, four years later, we started off right where we left off and nothing had changed. I need to remind myself not to let that happen again....with anyone..

There is some place I need you to be this weekend and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. A lot of people need you there, actually. I can't be there and I don't know that I should if I could even if I wanted to. Be a reminder to those who need one and encouragement for those who need to stand their ground. Because some things get entirely too out of hand and people seem to forget what's important and what's right.

I'm freezing at work today, but the leaves are yellow and falling like snow, and it's hard to be cranky about something so beautiful...

I really wish we didn't have to face the holidays without you.

Love you,

Ps. My dad is on facebook and mom sent me an email. All in one day. I love the fact that my parents are getting in tune with technology as much as the next guy. I'm just afraid that hell is freezing over or that pigs are flying somewhere. =) But it does make communication a whole lot easier so if you had a hand on this thanks (but I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into. =)

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