Thursday, June 25, 2009


Here's the thing. It's 463 degrees outisde and I got home last night to a house that - if those little meters on the wall are at all accurate - was a blazing 86 degrees. Now, I will tell you that I am not one who is fond of sleeping on top of all my covers half naked like a poor college student who can't afford to turn the AC on. Needless to say, the girls of Franklin St. were not especially happy this am and intend to spend the entire day hunting down and stalking whomever it is that is going to fix this bologna. And they had better; she's tall and I'm scrappy and we're entirely too overheated to mess with at this point.

On top of that, our previously broken, miraculously fixed (by that I mean that the repair man came and it turned on the second he hit the knob) dryer of 11 months has gone on strike again. I suppose it's perfect now that we live in a sauna and can just throw our clothes all over the house to dry. I'm currently couting down the minutes until I can call the Nebraska Furniture Mart and GE to harrass them about it. Because I will tell you right now that these two things are the perfect recipe for a very crabby household.

After lunch today I scanned a patient who couldn't communicate with me - or her husband - anyone..because she had a stroke. You could tell her sweet little husband has been by her side and loved her more than anything else in this whole entire world and she didn't seem to even know who he was. He tried to hold her hand in comfort and she got angry and pushed him away. But he still stood by her. He later told me she had her stroke in 1992 and has been this way for 17 years. It was then that I was strangly thankful for the brief time span between the day we found out Grandma had cancer and the day we said goodbye. Some of the smallest blessings are very hard to see...and sometimes those tiny little blessings are actually much greater than any of us realize. And a lot of the things that stress me out every single day, things I think are so horrible and overwhelming just seem so small now.

On that note, I am ready for the camping trip. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to pack nothing but a a swimsuit and beer.

Love, Kristen

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