Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dear Grandma,

I've had a busy day at work today and there is still lots to do, but I have had the urge to write for days. It's been a gloomy few days in Omaha that are seeming to be lonlier than ever. The last time I wrote was February 22, it's now halfway through April and two months ago truly does feel like just yesterday. But so many things have happened in the quick two months that have passed. Some days I feel like I want to fast foward life and I wonder why...because in the same respect I can't seem to slow it down.

Casey completed his training program with the railroad, and, as promised, was offered his promotion to management. For the next few years (or more or less depending on what the big mighty train people decide) we will call Clinton, Iowa home. So now begins the fun part. I've already had a lead on a job that seemed to fall through although there is still talk of an interview. And we were already in the process of buying what looked like a perfect, beautiful home only to learn the very important lesson of not judging a book by it's cover. We were so excited to have our offer accepted after the seller recieved one higher than ours, only to learn that we had to let the house go after the home inspection revealed multiple problems that we worried would take more than just money to fix and could cause us to lose some sleep in the meantime. So, after numerous prayers and some very late night discussions, we followed what we believed was God's advice to us. I mean really, how much more obviuos could he have made it, right?

I shouldn't complain about anything and I try to remind myself of that every day. But to truth it, planning a wedding, while trying to sell a house, buy a house, leave a job, find a new one and move....all while living five hours from Casey is really - just very stressful. And yet, not one of those things are bad. They're all opportunities, all blessings. Either way, it's all very overwhelming and somedays I feel so completely defeated. But I know, in time, God will show us why this is all happening at once and why some things aren't working out the way we think we'd like them too.

It's hard to believe our wedding is 5 montsh and some odd days away...when we first got engagned it was 14 months away. And still, 2 years later, I STILL can't believe you won't be here for my wedding. I was just talking to my mom the other day about finding a way to incorporate you and Grandma Weisser into our day - but it sure won't be the same. I hope everyone who did have you there on their special day know just how very lucky they were. I would give anything to have you there. Anything.

Maybe I should serve chocolate chip banana bread at my wedding? Probably not, I'd have to put some elastic in my dress if I did!

Love you,