Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Grandma,
Happy birthday to you! I was trying to figure out this morning how many Birthdays you have spent in heaven and it's already too many. But I know you probably have much better birthdays up there than you ever had down here. I wish this birthday wish was being recieved through the mail, but, I have to remind myself that birthdays are probably not what they used to be and you're finally in a place where you can spend it with everyone you wanted to and you don't have to miss anyone. Stop through Omaha sometime today if you get a minute and find a way to let me know you're here. I'll be thinking of you all day today and looking for you everywhere.

Omaha has been a very very very busy place. We've got a lot to celebrate right now out side of the usual. The piles of presents under our tree indicates that Christmas is right around the corner. We're looking foward to heading to South Dakota next Thursday to spend the holiday in Parkston. I don't forget very easily that this time last year I was facing a hospital stay and an unexpected surgery. I am certainly counting my blessings this year. Who would have known that the guy that spent three days with me in the hospital and called a family he didn't know to update them would be my fiance a year later.

Speaking of him, he got some great news too! The days of being on a train through the night for days on end - sometimes trying to avoid danger - are coming to an end. He was approached about a considering applying for a management program - something he had planned on doing at some point down the road. We took this as a sign and he applied, went through the grueling interview process and recieved a phone call earlier this week that included a job offer. We're not sure where this job will take us, but we do know that starting January 10th, Casey will be undergoing 10 weeks of management training - the first step in this incredible promotion.

Even though it's Friday and my Grandma's birthday, I suppose it's time for me to get back to work. I look foward to hearing from you later today, enjoy your day. =) (Beat Grandpa at Phase 10...don't let him hide cards under tha table.)

Love you,
Miss you everyday