Monday, September 27, 2010

Dear Grandma,

I can't believe it's been so long since I've written. The summer has been one of the busiest to date and although it's kind of a relief to see it winding down, I know that means it's only a matter of time before we're shoveling snow and scraping windows. Last winter was a difficult one, earth shattering snow storms every 7 days, kidney stones and stents, missing Christmas to be on call and recover from kidney stones and stents. ... it was also one of the greatest winters of my life. I learned quickly that a guy - who will drive across the city to shovel waist deep snow at 3 am after spending the whole night on a train, and one the spends days in a hospital calling updates to a family he had yet to meet - was definitely a keeper. In a years time I went from being a girl who was happy being single to meeting someone who changed my life so much that I can't imagine my a day without him. So, if you must, bring on the winter...maybe it won't be so bad afterall.

Now that fall has arrived, we've been spending a lot of time in sweatshirts, watching Husker football and making plans for a wedding that will be exactly one year away this weekend. It seems so far away to me yet, but even the few months that have passed since we've been engaged have gone so fast! We're both very excited for the weekend, our parents and most of my bridesmaids (including one very awesome maid of honor and sister in law, Tonya) are coming to Omaha. Saturday will be full of wedding dress shopping for the girls - and well - boy stuff for the boys. I'm excited for everyone to meet and for the wedding to become more real - but also very overwhelmed, too. Either way, I just know it will be a great weekend.

My mom and I went to "Women of Faith" with another mom and daughter about a couple months ago in Omaha. It was awesome. Thanks for giving me the nudge to sponsor little miss Telma. I know you still get these letters, but it's great to sit down with a pen and paper again, hopefully she'll enjoy having a penpal as much as I always have. ...hopefully I can make some kind of difference in her life, if even just a small one.

I miss you. I hope you have a minute this Saturday to stop in while we're hunting for the most important dress I'll ever have in my life. It's a day I want all the most important women in my life to spend with me, see if Grandpa will let you get away for a few hours (or just sneak out during his nap). =)

Love you,
