Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dear Grandma,

Time seems to get away from me this summer, it's been one of the busiest few months I can remember this far! Since I talked to you last, a lot has happened. Of course the biggest, most exciting of these things you already know, as I'm completely certain you had a hand in it. But on a humid Saturday in Illinios Casey gave me a ring and I gave him my word...and I've never been more certain of an answer or more thankful for the happiness that lies ahead.

We have reserved October 1, 2011 the day we document our promise and the day I change my last name - the day we've reserved to be the best day of our lives. I dream of it often, but I'm sure no dream will ever compare to how wonderful everything turns out to be. I pray everything comes together and we are surrounded by all the people that mean so much to us, and I have faith that it will. Thank you Grandma, you couldn't have picked someone more perfect for me. I just hope I can live up to the expectations that go along with the name "wife",but I have watched a lot of great examples so I pray it comes naturally because he deserves the very best. Like I said in the letter I wrote you over a year ago, I hope you'll be there, and I hope you DO have the best seat in the house. I wasn't sure this day would ever come, and it's hard to imagine you wouldn't be there. So, please, be there, every step of the way.

This past weekend took Casey and I back to a place we spend some of the early days of our relationship. .. the ER. My kidneys had a tanrtum yet again and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hand the pain. I've spend nearly a week trying to recover - again. This morning was different. I was tired of going to bed praying that tomorrow would be better, so when I woke up I made certain it would be. I got myself on my feet no matter how unsteady I felt and kept myself there. I feel much better and hope I continue to feel better.

A busy summer is no excuse for me not to write every week as I'd like to, but know I think of you more often than I could ever explain on paper. I love you.

Love, Kristen