Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dear Grandma,
I can't believe it's been a month since I've written...it's hard to believe the 4th of July has passed and the summer is already on the downhill. This has probably been one of my busiest summers and it's hard to even rememeber what I've been up to. I remember facing June knowing that it was going to be exhausting, it was, and it's already over! I just finished 8 days of call and am looking forward to having the next couple weeks off.

Life continues to present with new direction. My roomate Abby, who is getting married in September, was finally able to find a job in South Dakota (which is quite the feat in the ultrasound world) and will be moving out the end of the week. So, after nearly 4 years living in the very same duplex on Franklin St. I, too, will be moving out and moving on. But we aren't walking away without a farewell, this weekend we're having a going away party for Abby as well as a "farewell to Franklin St." My old roomates Jess, Justin and Korynn are all coming and we're going to spend one last night in the place so we've all called home for so long. It's bittersweet; I've loved living there and it's been good to me, but like everything else, there is a time to move on and that time has come.

We're anxiously awaiting a trip to Illinois in two weeks to visit Jason, Tina, and Hannah. Tom and Pat are meeting us there and Tom has warned that he has a list of questions for Casey. Hopefully he is up to the challenge, but I don't have any doubts. It will be good for both of us to have a weekend out of Omaha. He finally has his normal job back which has meant he has been working lots of long trips, middle of the nights and weekends. Between my call and his late train trips, we should be keeping Dunkin Doughnuts coffee in business.

We've had two kinds of weather this summer in Omaha. Stale, nasty, "change your clothes in the middle of the afternoon" heat and humidity - or - rain. I like a rainy day here and then but we haven't been offered much variety. It either rains for a week straight or smokes us out for a week straight. It's certainly annoying but at least it doesn't require me to have to schovel the driveway.

As I have been organizing to move, I have found NUMEROUS cards and notes in your perftectly impossible handwriting. I'm not the type to have shoe boxes full of cards and letters with the exception of some that hold meaning, but I couldn't bear to part with one of these hardcopies of your penmanship. So, I tucked them in the folder of cards you had saved for me and put them safely in my curio cabinet where they will likely remain until the next time I move. ...at which point I will probably repeat this whole scenario.

Miss you still, everyday.