Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dear Grandma,

It's been so long since I have written but with as busy as the summer has already kept me - it's no surprise, really. Nonetheless, I'm sorry. Today I'm sitting at the Office and I'm hoping today remains as mellow as the morning has been. The last two Tuesdays I have been over here and ran my little caboose off the whole day. .

Casey and I made it to Florida back and if it weren't for the heat, I probably would have stayed there forever! From the second our feet hit the ground in Orlando until the minute we were climbing in the airplane to come home, we were busy. I met Minnie Mouse, went to a baseball game, the beach, the shopping centers...we were very busy! My favorite part of the whole trip was the night we spent walking the streets of Universal Studios. All in all, the vacation couldn't have been better and I was happy to meet another member of Casey's family!

Today I am back to work from the mini vacation mom and I took to the Hills. The BLACK hills, of course, not Hollywood. When I ran the marathon, mom and I promised we would hike Crazy Horse monument in the Volks March. We did it, and my instincts tell me we'll do it again! It was a lot of fun! We headed back to Parkston on Sunday with heavy eyes and a case of wine from Prairie berry. But, all the sleepiness in the world couldn't have kept me from my first motorcycle ride of the season, especially on the new bike! It was a nice evening, so dad and I decided we were finally ready to head to Armour and check out your house...boy has it changed. Dad told me it's a couple and a brand new little baby, and somehow, that makes me feel better. I just hope they are able to find all the Easter egg hiding places. I also hope that pantry keeps all our secrets and has a full stock of Spaghettio O's. I have faith it will.

I'm back in Omaha now and am gearing up for the week of call I am facing. Like I always do when I am carrying my pager, I am looking forward to next Monday morning when it has ended. Next weekend I head to Vegas for Becky Murtha's bachelorette party, and then, hopefully, I will have a couple weeks free from plans. June will be over before we know it.

I will be better about finding time to write, I'm hoping things will settle down for awhile. I miss you.

Love you,